Morning Zazen
5:50am Tuesday through Friday

Sunday Program 
6:00pm Zazen
6:30pm Dharma talk followed by tea and cookies with the sangha

Zazen instruction is available by appointment



"One desires pleasures and fears a hard life. These are sentiments one entertains before leading the so-called pleasurable or hard life. After one is in it, one tries to think of the envy and the fear and finds that they are gone. Then where are the pleasurable and unpleasurable moments after they are past? They seem to be like a sound, a shadow, a breeze, or a dream. Even these four things are somehow more tangible. Besides, how is one ever going to find happiness by countering one illusion with another illusion? I wish I could express this deep truth to you, but I cannot." 

August 5, 1088 - Su Tungpo, quoted by Lin Yutang, in The Gay Genius, The Life and Times of Su Tungpo